Monday, July 17, 2006


There was this "WKC squad member interview" thingy with the coach + assistant coach last Sun. Apparently I was offered a place in the Ladies team, providing that I fix my attitude (i.e. being "lazy" enough to skip Sunday squad at 9.30am-12.30pm). So I guess I'd have to stick around for a few more months...!

After a few rounds running last week (can't do this week as the rain is way too hard), I noticed how I can explode forward much better. At least the way my understanding is to keep my stronger left thigh muscles ready to push off at all times (I think I was pushing with the ankle before, which is no good). I've also been experimenting with a 70% body weight on my back leg, while using the front to hover around and leap, which is working rather promising.

Yet I still lost quite a lot during shiai keiko. Got scolded heavily on going back during tsubazeriai.

Also, it's still very difficult to last the whole thing, especially the hardcore warm-ups have already drained my limited energy out.

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